How to make money with OGAds IN 2024: Best ultimate guide

“How to make money monetizing your networks with OGADS is an easy way to earn money from your website, app or social networks Continue reading!”

How to make money Monetizing your networks is now possible with OGADS and today, in this article, we’re going to show you how.

In this guide, we’re going to talk about a website called OGAds and how you can earn over $100 a day working just a few hours.

What is OGAds?

OGAds is a mobile and desktop affiliate network that allows its members to earn money using an advertising format that’s slightly different from the usual ones.

How does it work?

Large companies and app developers want to promote their products, so we buy or download them. Companies also want us to take part in sweepstakes, complete surveys, sign up via e-mail, and so on.

Our job is to help these companies promote their campaigns and drive traffic to these offers, and in return, we get paid!

We’ll be using the highly successful OGAds, which is free to sign up and approve. You don’t need a website or anything that requires you to spend money. OGAds also offers high-quality support if you need further help later on.

Steps to making money with OgAds

1- Register for free with OGAds

Registration in Ogads usually takes 24 hours to be approved.

2- Welcome!

You’re now registered with OGAds – congratulations, that’s the first step to making money online! Now that you’re logged in, familiarize yourself with the dashboard, because that’s where all your income will come from. When I first started, the dashboard was very intimidating, but don’t worry; guides like this didn’t exist when I first started, which made things a lot harder!

3- Ask for a landing page

Now let’s find a landing page that we want to promote. This is a crucial step because we need to find an offer that people will want to click on and continue.

Niche: You can select the niche of your choice from the suggested landing pages. A niche is an area of interest that appeals to a particular group of people who like the same thing. I’ve tested a variety of niches on OGAds, some of which include:

  • Bodybuilding
  • Gambling
  • Weight loss
  • Beauty/hair products

Select the “Landing page request” option on the left-hand side of your dashboard.

You can then select an offer you like from the drop-down list and click “Request”. You should get approval for your new landing page almost instantly, and a link will appear below the request section. Your new link will provide you with a pre-built landing page, so all the work is already done for you! Unlike other sites where you have to create your own landing page from scratch, which takes time.

4- Creating your free website (Optional)

So far, we’ve created an OGAds account and selected a landing page we like and want to promote.
Next, you have two options:

Buy a cheap .com domain to make your link more official and attract more customers to your link.

Paid option: you can do this by registering with 1&1 Hosting and buying a domain for $1!
Free option: get a free .tk domain that also works great.

Now that you’ve got a free or paid domain, you need to redirect to your landing page. The two sites mentioned above make URL redirection easy, and all you have to do is copy and paste your landing page URL for redirection.

5- Increase traffic

Well done for getting this far. Now that everything’s in place and you can start earning money, all you have to do is attract traffic to your link!

Ways to generate traffic on OgAds


One of the favorite methods for OGAds is Instagram. Put simply, finding your target audience is much easier with Instagram because there are so many tools for finding users, hashtags and locations. You can set up 2 or 3 Instagram accounts if you prefer to start, this can be done from your own phone.


Facebook is another powerful tool for promoting your landing page, but with more restrictions. Create a new Facebook account (or several) and start joining groups in your niche. You can start commenting on approved groups with links to your landing page.

One tip for monetizing on Facebook is to use custom comments for each post. If you copy and paste the same comment into every group, you risk getting blocked and having to start the whole process again.


This method involves searching for YouTube videos in your niche. Don’t worry, you don’t need to film anything yourself. We’ll just capture YouTube videos, download and upload them ourselves to save you time. However, if you wish, making your own videos can also be very effective.


I hope these methods help you make money online. I know it can be daunting, but if you work hard, find niches and effective means of promotion, you can make a lot of money. Just browsing the chat box on OG Ads will motivate you, as you’ll be able to see how much other users earn per month.

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